The Township of Langley is trying to evict five low-income tenants from their home, but has never served those tenants with a legal eviction notice since purchasing the property last October. Instead, the Township asked the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) to award it an Order of Possession in…
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Tenants’ Struggles
RTB orders ‘intimi-victions’ landlord to apologize, stop intimidating tenant
Last year, investor-landlords Bill Mitsui and Tyler Zhang purchased a low-rise apartment building in Maple Ridge…
Abolish “the homeless” from autonomous working class and Indigenous struggle
The Volcano is publishing a series of excerpts from documents prepared for Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial…
Supportive housing tenants win important gains after forming a tenant action group
In February, tenants of a supportive building in the Lower Mainland run by Elizabeth Fry Society, started to meet…
Displacement by Disrepair: Metrotown tenants organize against landlord neglect
The Dow Avenue Tenants Group is calling for an end to the chronic disrepair and unhealthy living conditions caused…
Join the Eviction Defence Network! New tenant groups springing up throughout the…
Since formally launching in December 2020, the Eviction Defence Network has supported and organized dozens of…
“Everything for the upper class, nothing for us”: Barrie’s eviction and the…
Two weeks ago, Barrie came to his first meeting of the Whalley Street Council, a group of unhoused and underhoused…
Tenants resist profiteering investor-landlord’s…
Life at Cityviews Village, a low-rise apartment in Maple Ridge, has been hell ever since private investment firm…
Lying landlord uses legal loopholes to evict tenants to the streets
Evicted during COVID-19
Two Surrey tenants were made homeless after their unscrupulous landlord lied to the…
Tenants Fear a “Return to Normal”: Resisting Evictions during and after the…
As governments announce the roll-out of vaccines in the new year, both politicians and corporations are promising…