The Volcano is publishing a series of excerpts from documents prepared for Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism's 2021 Winter Assembly, where we reflected on our successes and failures in 2020 and articulated visions and strategies for the coming year. Among the strategy documents, there are…
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International Struggles
Immigrant Self Defence: Only the struggle will give us documents
The following article is a translation of a statement put out by the Black Vests in France. The Black Vests say…
Nosotros la sangre nos hierve: Stand with Bolivians rising up against the right…
In the week since the anti-socialist, anti-Indigenous coup in Bolivia, thousands of Indigenous people, campesinos,…
Vancouver “Save Hong Kong” rally unites two nationalisms under the…
This weekend the Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movements (VSSDM) held a "Save Hong Kong" rally…
The perils of imperial alignment: Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition movement at the…
In June, millions took to the streets in Hong Kong to oppose a Bill that would formalize an extradition agreement…
Alliance Against Displacement stands in solidarity with the Black Vests
From Paris, France to Surrey, BC, Migrant and Homeless Displaced People Unite!
The Black Vests are a group of…
Justice For Vanesa Campos! France’s anti-sex work laws are killing migrant trans…
While Vanesa’s murder was committed by multiple men who were attempting to rob her client, her killing was not an…
Canadian military joins the destructive military intervention by France, US, and…
On June 24, the first significant components of Canada’s military mission to Mali in north-central Africa touched…
Legacies: Nakba and Global Imperial Power
May 15th 2018 marked the 70th year of Israel’s colonial occupation of Palestinian land, which the Indigenous people…
“To go back home”: An interview with migrant activists in Hong Kong
Over 12 million Filipinos live and work abroad, approximately 11.6% of the total population of the Philippines…