To hear the CBC coverage, you'd think the NDP victory in the recent BC election means a ringing mandate for a social justice agenda and a refutation of the law and order, safe streets, anti-drug user revanchism of the BC Liberals and Andrew Wilkinson.
Political scientist Max Cameron, in an…
Browsing Tag
Who are the protagonists of climate justice? The Green New Deal and the dangers of…
Just over a decade ago, Al Gore was the face of climate action in the United States and Canada. His documentary,…
Homelessness is nothing for Canada’s progressive political parties
If Canada’s 2019 federal election was a Shakespearean play, it would be MacBeth: a tale told by an idiot, full of…
Old stars, new waters: Revolutionary strategy and Canada’s 2019 federal election
From an anti-colonial and anti-capitalist revolutionary perspective, the political landscape of Canada’s 2019…
We can’t vote away police violence: Elections and policing in Surrey
The following is based on Lenee Son's talk, prepared in collaboration with Isabel Krupp, at Alliance Against…
Politics are happening in the streets not in city hall: Lessons from Burnaby’s…
The following is based on Cecile Revaux's talk at Alliance Against Displacement's panel on BC's municipal…
Vancouver’s referendum on Sinophobia: Another “socialism of fools” in the shadow…
This article is part of The Volcano's primer on Metro Vancouver's 2018 civic elections.
A tweet from a…
Anti-Chinese racism at the root of Vancouver’s progressive City Hall: White race…
The following is based on Listen Chen's talk at Alliance Against Displacement's panel on BC's municipal elections,…
A Volcano primer on Metro Vancouver’s 2018 civic election
On Tuesday November 27th, Alliance Against Displacement organized a panel discussion to analyze the 2018 civic…
Metrotown residents challenge anti-demoviction candidates to do “more than a…
On Thursday, October 18th, just days before the Municipal election, tenants facing demoviction and those fighting…