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What you get for donating to the Volcano

To support our publishing plan for 2021 we are rolling out a donations bundle. When you donate, make sure you include a mailing address with your donation information.

*A note on currencies and how to donate: We are located in Canada but, unfortunately, Patreon is US dollars only, so we have calculated a rough conversion into the amounts in the Patreon links. If you’re using Patreon, the amount for $10/mth will show up on Patreon as $7.50. You’re welcome to increase this amount!

Paypal payments are in Canadian dollars. If you want to give a one-time donation it is easier to use Paypal. You can also send us a cheque to:

The Volcano, c/o CCEC Credit Union
2248 Commercial Drive
Vancouver BC V5N 4B5

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Volcano donor bundle

Make a sustaining donation (a minimum of $5 a month) or a 1-time donation of $50 and receive:

  1. Newspapers: Every print issue of The Volcano newspaper delivered to your door for 1 year. One hundred percent of your donation will go towards printing 4,000 copies of our newspaper about 10 times a year.
  2. Pamphlets and books: Every pamphlet and book that we publish during the time of your donations. In 2019 we published 2 booklets, “Abolish Supportive Housing” and “Stop the War on the Poor,” and 1 book, To Build a Poor People’s Movement, as well as pamphlet versions of a half dozen long articles. In 2020 we published a book, A Separate Star, and about a dozen leaflets, special issues, and short pamphlets. You can see and download some of these publications on our new Volcano Books page here

In 2021 we have plans to publish pamphlets about Sinophobia and Canada’s place in the world anti-China bloc, fascism and the meanings of rising anti-homeless hatred, and collecting our late comrade Harold Lavender’s lifetime of writing as a revolutionary activist.

There’s no geographic border to this offer – but if you are outside of North America, we may contact you to arrange postage costs for the holiday package, so be sure to include your email or phone contact information as well as your mailing address with your donation.

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