February 26 – March 4, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Creating Temp Tenants – Burnaby’s demoviction tenant assistance policy abandons the most vulnerable and…
February 19 – February 25, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Our veins run with water, not oil – fighting for our lives against capitalism and colonialism across Turtle…
February 12 – February 18, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Open letter to the City of Victoria Mayor & Council and Island Health
By No Cops on Outreach Victoria,…
Creating Temp Tenants – Burnaby’s demoviction tenant assistance policy…
The ‘eviction’ part of a demoviction is a long process that starts long before a developer-landlord signs the legal…
“We are too poor to afford anything” – new report uncovers the…
Download the full pdf of this report here
In an area where over 13,000 people live in poverty having to survive…
Open letter to the City of Victoria Mayor & Council and Island Health
Editors note: In a disturbing trend toward community policing as a response to state-sanctioned…
In Memoriam: Mary Dawn Vickers
December 19, 1966 - November 4, 2016
Heiltsuk activist, parent, and contributor to many communities, Mary was…
Remembering Art Manuel, leader of an intergenerational struggle to unsettle Canada
Art Manuel, former Chief of the Neskonlith band of the Secwepemc nation, and lifelong fighter for Indigenous…
Sad Siren Song
My name is Tracey Morrison. I am an Ojibwe woman who resides in the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, BC. I volunteer…
Under an unjust state, break unjust laws – A call to revisit our strategies…
Our protests for social justice usually shout out in one of two directions: we shout against the laws that police…