Out of Control: SRO hotel survey finds that market real estate development and…
Homelessness in the DTES is a humanitarian crisis. For the first time in recorded history, the number of…
Stop Displacement! Save Whale Wall! Fighting gentrification-by-playground in…
On Tuesday, March 21st, activists interrupted a City of Victoria consultation process to protest the…
Federal government’s message to homeless people: get a good tarp and…
On March 22nd, the Federal government released the 2017 budget. The budget commits $11.2 billion to housing…
NOTE: Women’s library article held for discussion
This article about the Vancouver Women's Library has been pulled by The Volcano. After posting it on Sunday…
Copper skin: By West Coast Raindrop – Sadie Morris
i felt like a tarnished penny for so long
my copper skin was like a sentence of the…
Indigenous land defenders call for the creation of the Sacred Fire Network
March 24-26 weekend of training and discussion open to all supporters of anti-colonial struggle
On the weekend…
BC anti-election column: BC Liberals and NDP both promise a renewed war on…
On May 9th 2017, people in British Columbia will go to the polls to vote for a new Provincial government. For many…
March 5 – March 11, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Mayor’s office sit-in nets Demovictions movement its first partial victory against the City of Burnaby
By Zoe…
Electromagnetic Print Emits a Pulse – New Vancouver book publisher focuses…
Electromagnetic Print (EMP) is an ambitious new publishing venture based in Coast Salish Territories. The…
Mayor’s office sit-in nets Demovictions movement its first partial victory against…
On Thursday March 9th, myself and a group of activists with the Stop Demovictions Burnaby campaign occupied the…