Simon Fraser University kills its Indigenous education program, continuing its…
Editors note: This article was published on the morning of Friday April 21, 2017. It contained a factual error.…
April 2 – April 8, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Shelter residents: ‘Closing shelters is a human rights violation’
By Carnegie Community Action Project…
March 19 – March 25, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Out of Control: SRO hotel survey finds that market real estate development and low-welfare rates are to blame…
March 12 – March 18, 2017 Volcano Newsletter
Copper skin
By West Coast Raindrop – Sadie Morris
The "Vancouver Women's Library" is not for all women:…
Continuing the fight for Homes Not Jails
The political power of homeless people at Super InTent City won hundreds of new transitional and permanent…
Demovicted tenants need City defence, not assistance: Metrotown demoviction…
On Tuesday, March 28th, Stop Demovictions Burnaby organizers attended the city of Burnaby’s “Planning and…
Shelter residents: ‘Closing shelters is a human rights violation’
Originally published on the CCAP website:
While the City Council is discussing a new…
A post-viaduct Hogan’s Alley will redress racist history or it will continue…
Open letter to the City of Vancouver in support of Black community demands for reparations as part of the Georgia…
Inaction about Soldiers of Odin a Threat in Vancouver
The attack by Soldier Odin on anti-racist protesters on Sunday, March 26th to mark the International Day to…
A disingenuous thank you: BC Liberals pose over the bodies of the thousand lost to…
On February 20 of this year, a letter went out from Health Minister Terry Lake and Solicitor General Clayton…