More unaffordable housing and unaffordable retailers and unaffordable restaurants…
Hello my name is Mark Lee. 我叫陳德聰 I am a community interpreter and translator who has been volunteering with…
Ten Year and Anita Place Tent Cities: Security for the homeless, sites of struggle…
For those who are evicted and displaced, tent cities have become spaces of survival and also of resistance. By…
Ten Year Tent City beats Vancouver in Court!
Supreme court decision affirms the value of homeless people lives over the City’s property rights
On May…
Saving lives, a sense of pride, and trans women’s safety at 10 Year Tent…
Judge Sharma’s decision to refuse Vancouver’s application for an injunction to break up Ten Year Tent City was…
Anita Place tent city forging a new anti-poverty politics in Maple Ridge
Housed and homeless Maple Ridge residents marching together for housing and against hate
On Thursday May…
Rally calls for Maple Ridge to lift eachother up and reject bullying,…
A call to reject anti-homeless hate and come together to end homelessness
By Stephen Milner
My friends I want…
Four Principles for a Tent Cities Movement: Drafted at Super InTent City Victoria,…
Drafted by a convergence of homeless people from across southern BC who converged on Super InTent City Victoria,…
Founding Declaration of Anita Place Tent City, Maple Ridge 2017
We, the street population, are the heart and soul of Maple Ridge. We are taking unused City-owned land to…
Homelessness, poverty, and the police state: Anti-election week of action exposes…
In the week before the 2017 BC election, Alliance Against Displacement (AAD) staged an “anti-election week of…
BC’s real housing crisis revealed in Maple Ridge: Standing in solidarity with…
On Thursday May 4, I went to visit a tent city in Maple Ridge, which was erected a week before the BC election.…