“A white man’s freedom is more important than an Indigenous person’s…
On February 9, 2018 a jury in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan acquitted Gerald Stanley of the murder of 22-year-old Cree…
The Volcano Reappears!
This month’s Volcano has been a long time coming. Since 2012, The Volcano has published a newspaper every…
Low-income residents and community groups turned out in force to oppose 105 Keefer…
The last week of May 2017 will be remembered as another “freeway fight” in Chinatown’s history. Many speakers who…
We would rather have a vacant lot than another condo development
We join Chinatown residents and groups in united opposition against Beedie Living’s proposed condo tower at the…
人民優先於利潤!公益房屋優先於華廈!:奇化街105 地段 梁泳詩, 華埠行動小組
霍美璇 翻譯 (Translated by Mei Fok)
我們加入華埠居民及團體,共同對抗Beedie Living建議在奇化街105號興建公寓大樓。…
Building confidence and power in low-income elder women’s Chinatown
I’m going to address issues raised on the first day of the hearing and earlier today.
One point is cleaning…
Beedie’s 105 Keefer condo tower threatens the existence of Chinatown’s most…
Good evening, mayor and council, I would like to thank you for allowing me to speak tonight. I would also like…
Culture is a collective product of people and relationships, not a commodity
My name is Yuly Chan, and I’m here to oppose the rezoning application for 105 Keefer. I’m a community organizer…
Don’t condemn Chinatown to the same fate suffered by Vancouver’s Pauerugai
Good evening, Mayor and Council. First, I’d like to acknowledge that we are on the Unceded Coast Salish…
Do not tell us the City cares about people more than profits – show us!
Before going further, I wish to acknowledge the unceded, traditional, and ancestral Coast Salish territories of…