Housing and health self-determination not re-institutionalization
On the evening of Tuesday, May 29, Maple Ridge City Council lined up with the mob of anti-homeless Ridgeilantes and…
Anita Place Tent City vision for self-determined homes and health care
200 Homeless People Need 200 Apartments to Decamp Anita Place
Maple Ridge Tent City announces negotiations with…
Finding Community and Trans Elders – bringing trans people and sex work…
Trans women and sex worker communities are no strangers to the death and disappearance of our friends and comrades.…
Gender Liberation Ain’t a Service Provision – trans antagonism within…
Trans women and sex worker communities are no strangers to the death and disappearance of our friends and comrades.…
Arrests in Nanaimo as homeless campers resist an attempt by RCMP and the City to…
Five residents and supporters from Nanaimo’s DisconTent City were briefly arrested in the morning of Tuesday, May…
Discontent City’s space of resistance provides relief for homeless people besieged…
On Thursday, May 17, 2018, a new tent city emerged in an unused city lot on the port lands above the railway tracks…
DisconTent City Founding Declaration
"We homeless, low-income communities are the heart and soul of Nanaimo. "
Tenants in Hamilton challenge the international capitalist class
On May 1st, International Workers Day, tenants in an apartment complex in Hamilton, Ontario, started a rent strike…
Life After Death – Getting Harm Reduction Activism Out Of The Grave
The news that March 2018 holds the second highest overdose fatalities in the history of British Columbia is…
“One of the Most Ferocious Days our People Have Witnessed”
On Sunday May 13th, senior members of the Donald Trump administration gathered in Jerusalem for the opening of the…