Namegans Nation tent city evicted five times in two months
Despite constant attacks by the police, the public, and multiple levels of government, Namegans Nation has shown an…
We beat Corrigan! Stop Demovictions movement stops Burnaby’s juggernaut…
As Hurley’s term begins, Stop Demovictions Burnaby’s work will intensify. While we must celebrate our movement’s…
Justice For Vanesa Campos! France’s anti-sex work laws are killing migrant trans…
While Vanesa’s murder was committed by multiple men who were attempting to rob her client, her killing was not an…
Who destroyed Rutherford Elementary? Separating myth from fact about Nanaimo’s…
Apart from the doors knocked in by police battering rams, the dozen or so nails hammered into the roof to hang…
“You idiots, we’re fighting for you!”: Homeless people as revolutionary…
The second, deeper basis of Dwayne's point is that in a political landscape dominated by right wing austerity…
Metrotown residents challenge anti-demoviction candidates to do “more than a…
On Thursday, October 18th, just days before the Municipal election, tenants facing demoviction and those fighting…
Divest from Police, Invest in People: Organizing Against Police Power in Surrey
Anti-Police Power Surrey is organizing to push back against the relentless expansion of police power and calling…
Introduction: They get elected, we get evicted: Going beyond the inoffensive…
The 2018 municipal elections in British Columbia are significant in two ways: one, they are dominated by “the…
Part 6: Where politics really happens
In 1920, anti-capitalist groups from all around the world met in the still-newborn Soviet Union for a congress that…
Part 5: Being an offensive opposition
The inoffensive reformers are preferable to the free market fundamentalists, even though neither are taking steps…