BC NDP orders RCMP to shut down Ridge Meadows Overdose Prevention Site
In BC, the rapid expansion of harm reduction services has prevented more than 3,000 possible overdose deaths…
“We’re always under suspicion”: Surrey youth contend with their…
Anti-Police Power Surrey's (APPS) high school workshop, A Thin Blue Line? Thinking Critically About Policing,…
Possibilities emerging beyond a “Real Estate State”
Academics and housing activists meet in Vancouver for a discussion of the limits and potentials of urban planning…
Infiltrating the imaginations of children at RCMP Surrey’s “Police Week” 2019
On Saturday May 11th, the RCMP held an open house at their Surrey headquarters to launch “police week,” an annual…
Is “revitalizing” Hogan’s Alley Black racial justice? Tensions between real estate…
Guerrilla gardening art installation by Lauren Marsden entitled Hogan’s Alley Welcomes You, 2007
Lama Mugabo is…
Drug Prohibition, Criminalizing Poverty, and Internal Displacement in the Lower…
Experiences from Alliance Against Displacement
On May 4th, 2019 the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users hosted…
Vancouver’s Anti-Sex Work Gentrification Projects are a Form of Imperialism
Vancouver’s Anti-Sex Work Gentrification Projects are a Form of Imperialism
On May 4th, 2019 the Vancouver Area…
The Legal Roots of Anti-Homeless Hate: Understanding the anti-homeless bias of…
In July 2018, Alliance Against Displacement held a panel in Nanaimo called "Poverty and Discontent: The Legal…
Don’t kid yourself, this isn’t just a homeless camp: The lifesaving need and…
On Saturday, February 23rd, Anita Place tent city held a press conference as the City of Maple Ridge sent over…
From Berlin to Burnaby: Tenants march against evictions and “rent madness”
On Saturday, April 6th 2019, Stop Demovictions Burnaby took to the streets of Metrotown once again to demand…