On Saturday July 9, the Stop Demovictions Burnaby Campaign and Alliance Against Displacement began an occupation at 5025 Imperial Street in Burnaby’s Metrotown neighbourhood. The occupation began to draw attention to the more than 5,000 rental units in the area expected to undergo “demoviction”…
The Demovicted “Paint-In” the empties in Metrotown
June 30th was eviction day for nearly 100 people in three buildings on the 5000 block of Imperial Ave in a…
Victoria protest challenges Canada’s housing ministers by bringing politics to…
On Tuesday June 28th, Victoria, British Columbia took centre stage in Canada’s housing crisis. While the…
When “rights” are not enough – Lessons from Tent City Resistance
It felt like a major victory when, this spring, the courts refused to grant an injunction to the Provincial…
Tent-in Protest Overcomes Barriers to Services in Campbell River
The tents set up on the lawn of the Campbell River City Hall looked like a tent city, and the space served as a…
Solidarity between tent cities strengthens their political threat
To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy: all well-housed people are alike; each homeless person is homeless in their own way.…
No homelessness on stolen Native land? How demands for wealth redistribution can…
These days, a lot of thinking about how we organize our social movements is focused on the connections between…
Grassroots “Demovictions” Report Warns of Metrotown’s Collision Course with Mass…
By the end of the decade, every old low-rise apartment building on the square block around Dunblane Ave in Burnaby…
Maple Ridge homeless still need a tent city: By Ivan Drury with a poem by Tracy…
The Cliff Avenue tent city is only the visible tip of the iceberg of homelessness in Maple Ridge,…
You can’t vote against the free market – Lessons from the Greek struggle…
In September the Alliance Against Displacement (formerly Social Housing Alliance) began a discussion group series…