Unist’ot’en Spring Work Camp

Unist'ot'en camp, near Houston, BC

Spring permaculture and building camp, to work on the healing centre, root cellar, pit house, and permaculture garden. To donate funds to help construct the healing centre, visit: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/d11tq5. For more information about the camp, visiting, or donating general funds and supplies, see the solidarity website: https://unistotensolidarity.com/.

Our Homes Can’t Wait Paint-In for Social Housing

58 W Hastings across from Army and Navy, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Food, Music, Speeches, Painting! Groups representing or serving over 9,000 people have endorsed Our Homes Can’t Wait campaign, including Carnegie Community Centre Association, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction, First United Church, DURC, Pivot, DTES Women’s Centre, DTES Neighbourhood House, Chinatown Action Group & Aboriginal Front Door.

The Kinder Morgan Pipeline, Climate Change, and You!

Sumas First Nation 2788 Sumas Mountain Rd, Abbotford, BC, Canada

We are in the final year of review of Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion. The widely discredited NEB process came to an end on May 19 when the panel made its recommendation to the Trudeau cabinet to approve the pipeline, with conditions. This forum will consider the First Nations perspective and will also […]

Shut Down Imperial Metals Protest

River Rock Casino Resort Richmond, BC, Canada

Imperial Metals is a mining company that is responsible for the biggest mining disaster in so called British Columbia at their Mt Polley mine, to date they still have not cleaned up their toxic tailings spill and they have resumed operations. Indigenous Land Defenders: Ancestral Pride, Secwepemc Womens Warrior Society, and our Allies No One Is […]

Book launch – Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working-Class Struggle comic book

Heartwood Community Cafe 317 E Broadway , Vancouver, BC, Canada

Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working-Class Struggle (Between the Lines Press, 2016) Comic book launch by the Graphic History Collective! Canadian labour history and working-class struggles are brought to life in Drawn to Change: Graphic Histories of Working-Class Struggle. The comics in this illustrated anthology showcase the inspiring efforts of working people who came […]

Lessons from San Francisco Organizing

Four Sisters Housing Co-op 153 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Members of the SRO Collaborative and Chinatown Action Group went to San Francisco to learn about their community organizing strategies around housing justice. Come and hear what they learned and will be bringing back to Vancouver Coast Salish Territories.

Rally for Education

Vancouver Art Gallery 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The 1976 UN Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights deemed Education a fundamental human right. Yet, in BC, our education system has been seriously neglected by the provincial government. We see that students in BC are suffering, from early childhood education, all the way through to post-secondary. There have been school closures, overcrowded classrooms […]

Spirit of the Mission Pow Wow

Mission Senior Secondary School 32939 7th Ave, Mission, BC, Canada

Spirit Of The Mission Students E-mamawohkamatotan Intertrible Pow Wow (any information you can contact us by e-mail at: committee@e-mamawohkamatotan.ca Public Event By Mission Senior Secondary School, m Mission Students, Parents, Volunteers, Committees, Buisness Community of Mission THERE WILL BE NO OUTSIDE TICKETS SALES OR SELLING OF ANY KIND WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE COMMITTEE. Date […]

#StatusNow Week of Action for Migrant Rights, Vancouver event

Consult Facebook events page Vancouver, BC, Canada

* CHARLOTTETOWN: May 30, 12pm, Province House * TORONTO: May 30, 1pm, South-east corner of Bloor & Spadinahttps://www.facebook.com/events/1058613754226612/ * VANCOUVER May 31, 11am For decades migrant workers in Canada have been denied the most basic freedoms. The freedom to change their job, the freedom to visit with their family, the freedom to stay with their […]

行動 Action: 制止Beedie在105! Stop Beedie at 105!

Vancouver City Hall 453 West 12th, Vancouver, Canada

#制止Beedie在105 行動: Beedie Living 發展商位於奇化街105號的開發項目申請不夠好! #StopBeedieAt105 ACTION: Beedie Living’s development proposal for 105 Keefer is not good enough! 時間:星期三 2016年6月1日,下午2:45 地點:”社區大會會議室“, 溫哥華市政廳 (西12街453號,夾甘比街Cambie St.) When: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 2:45 pm Where: Town Hall Meeting Room, Vancouver City Hall 在過去的星期, 加拿大國家信託登出他們第12屆所準備的十大地方受威脅排行榜。溫哥華唐人街是其中被列出的地方。還有,溫哥華古蹟會最近在他們的十大溫市地方受威脅及要關注的排行榜,排唐人街在第三位。他們認爲華埠是受不斷及高速發展的威脅。這土地用途更改發脹項目只會繼續及加速這危機。 This past week, the National Trust for Canada released its 12th annual Top 10 […]

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