4th Annual Red Umbrella March for Sex Work Solidarity

Vancouver Art Gallery 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sex workers, allies, family and friends stand together. Join the fight against Canada's unjust prostitution laws! Join us at the south entrance (Robson Street at Hornby). As with previous years, dress up! Wear red! Bring your red umbrellas! Let's be loud, proud, and beautiful! The march will end at CRAB Park again this year where […]

Reconcile This! Uniting struggles against colonial dispossession & capitalist displacement

Grandview Calvary Baptist Church 1803 East 1st Ave, Vancouver, Canada

The theft and commodification of resources through settler-colonial occupation underlays every aspect of Canada's wealth. Under 21st Century austerity governing policies that cut taxes for the rich to cut social programs for the poor, that wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer super rich, while more and more low-income working class […]

Support Joyce Residents at City Hall!

Vancouver City Hall 453 West 12th, Vancouver, Canada

The Joyce-Collingwood Precinct Review is going to City Council for approval. If passed, the neighbourhood will drastically change with high rise towers, apartments, and townhomes, eventually displacing existing retail and residents. JARA is asking City Council to vote down the plan until single family homes are protected and the community is genuinely consulted. We need […]

Songs and Stories of Resistance and Hope with Luke Wallace

Surrey City Centre Library 10350 University Drive, Surrey, Canada

Join the PIPE UP Network, KPIRG, and Village Surrey for an evening of Songs and Stories with Luke Wallace. Luke is a 23 year old musician from Vancouver whose music is rooted in ideas of consevation and environmental action. Join the conversation and sing along with us as we envison a sustainable future! ** All […]

First Peoples, First Screens: Art and Determination

Vancouver Public Library Central Branch 350 W Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

In celebration of National Aboriginal History Month. First Peoples, First Screens showcases contemporary Indigenous political filmmaking from across Canada, including documentary, animation, experimental and genre fiction of varying lengths. A Red Girl's Reasoning follows a neo-noir action heroine seeking retribution for violence against Indigenous women. TimeTravellerfollows Hunter who embarks on a vision quest that takes […]

Communalism: A Liberatory Alternative Reading Group

38 Blood Alley Square 38 Blood Alley Square, Vancouver, Canada

At this reading group, we will be discussing the text "Communalism: A Liberatory Alternative". This text is an introductory piece to the ideas of Murray Bookchin. The text can be found here: http://www.communalismpamphlet.net/

Tell Trudeau (in person) we don’t want Kinder Morgan

6800 14th Ave Burnaby, Canada

Our Prime Minister will be in Burnaby Thursday morning, but so will Burnaby residents opposed to Kinder Morgan to remind him we don't want the 7X more oil tankers on our coast! Please attend and share so he can see we have a different vision for the future of our region. www.ForTheCoast.ca

New St. Paul’s Hospital Town Hall

Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street, Vancouver, Canada

St.Paul’s hospital is moving near to the downtown Eastside! Will St. Pauls have the same effect on the low income neighbourhood as Woodwards? Join us for breakfast, learn about the probable impact of St. Pauls and tell us about your concerns. Together we will discuss what can be done to address the impacts of the […]

Plant Walk with T’uy’tanat, Cease Wyss

Gallery Gachet 88 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada

Plant Walk with T’uy’tanat, Cease Wyss Thursday, June 16th, 11am -­ 3pm Please join us for an afternoon as we immerse ourselves in Stanley Park plantlife with knowledge keeper and interdisciplinary artist, Cease Wyss. The urban environment is rich with plants. By learning about plantlife and their traditional and medicinal uses, Indigenous knowledge becomes a […]

QTBIPoC Healing Space

Gallery Gachet 88 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada

> THE LAND This event, along with the majority of the organizing done by the Black Lives Matter Vancouver Coalition and other organizers, will be taking place on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory and homelands of the Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Stolo First Nations. We invite our communities to join us in solidarity with […]

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