PART 2: Bicycle Maintenance and Repair Workshops for Women, Trans, and Gender Non-binary Riders

Spokes 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, Canada

What: Part 2 of this 2-part series will be a hands-on tutorial on how to fix a flat tire and diagnose the source of the flat. Where: Worshops will take place at SPOKES, which is located in the Campus Bike Centre (below the University Centre), at UVic--this is the traditional, unceded and unsurrendered territories of […]

Marxist Reading Group: Session 2-3 (State and Revolution by V.I Lenin)

Dogwood Centre for Socialist Education 706 Clark Drive, Vancouver, Canada

Thursday, June 16th & Thursday, June 30th @7pm Centre for Socialist Education 706 Clark Drive, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories This is for the 2nd and 3rd session of the Marxist Reading Group. We will be reading State and Revolution by V.I Lenin. It describes the role of the State in society, the necessity of […]

Vancouver Food Conversations: What’s With the Ethnic Aisle?

Heartwood Community Cafe 317 E Broadway , Vancouver, BC, Canada

#VanFoodConvo Join us for the first in a series of free Vancouver Food Conversations about issues relating to our Food System. Topic: Why is the food movement so white? & What's with the ethnic Aisle? Moderator: Lily Grewal Panelists: Niki Sharma, Kevin Huang, Alejandra Lopez, Jason E. Blackman-Wulff and Stephanie Lim. Why is the food […]

A Maze to Trap the Living: Society and the Unique One

38 Blood Alley Square 38 Blood Alley Square, Vancouver, Canada

Get your copy of Enemies of Society at 38 Blood Alley for the reading group discussing the anthology of individualist and egoist thought. We will discuss section 5 pg 199-330. "Individualism is the sentiment of a profound, irreducible antinomy between the individual and society. The individualist is he who, by virtue of his temperament, is […]

Crab Park Festival

CRAB Park 101 East Waterfront Road, Vancouver, Canada

Crab-Water For Life Society, Radio Bandcouver & Northern Electric Records present The 28th Annual celebration of the park as a much needed greenspace for the people of the downtown eastside to enjoy. Free admission as always. Sponsered by: Port Metro, Canadian Heritage and Vancouver Cultural Affairs. This year sees another threat to the park as […]

Democracy or Freedom presentation with Crimethinc

38 Blood Alley Square 38 Blood Alley Square, Vancouver, Canada

In the year of Trump and Clinton, the failings of democracy are stark enough. But is the problem too little democracy, or too much? From the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to Occupy and Nuit Debout, practically everyone claims to be democratic. In this provocative presentation, we’ll discuss what ties all these different understandings of […]

Feminist Zombie Rag Dolls by Diane Wood

Carnegie Community Centre 401 Main Street, Vancouver, Canada

In the 3rd floor Gallery of the Carnegie Community Centre, for the month of July; Artist’s reception on Tuesday July 5th From 4:30 – 6:00. I started making art dolls – witches, pirates, clowns & Alice in Wonderland a few years ago. When I discovered, thanks to Google, that female pirates had really lived, I […]

School Closure Meeting- East Van Education Network

Britannia Community Services Centre 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, Canada

Join other concerned community members and organizations to share information and discuss how to move forward and save our schools. Wednesday July 6th from 6-9 pm at the Canucks Family Education Space at Britannia Community Centre (1655 William St). The room is upstairs above Eastside Family Place, off Grandview Park. Child minding service will be […]

Routes to Roots: Refugee Pride Edition

Heartwood Community Cafe 317 E Broadway , Vancouver, BC, Canada

Welcome to the Refugee Pride Edition of Routes to Roots! Let's celebrate Pride Month with our siblings from the LGBTQ refugee and newcomers community. QMUNITY is proud to give you the first pride event specific for LGBTQ refugees and newcomers in Vancouver, BC. We will gather at Heartwood Cafe for a night of social circles, […]

Mad Pride: Mad City

Gallery Gachet 88 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada

Mad Pride: Mad City Exhibition runs: July 8th - July 24th 2016 Opening Fri, July 8th 6­-9pm We are united by the belief at Gallery Gachet that art is a means of survival, sometimes it's the only way. But to find out, we first must survive. We've come together, and built a great show and […]

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