March Against Poverty Rates

Commercial Broadway Skytrain Station Vancouver, Canada

BC ACORN members are tired of having the BC Liberals ignore the issues! They think they can get away with the unjust clawback of the bus pass, and buy our silence with a measly $77 raise. Enough is enough! ACORN members are calling for a reinstatement of the annual buss pass for PWD recipients, as […]

11th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair

UVSS Student Union Building 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, Canada

Friday September 9th, 2016: 11am-6pm Saturday September 10th, 2016: 11am-6pm UVic Student Union Building, Upper Lounge Victoria, BC, Coast Salish Territories We are pleased to announce the eleventh annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Coast Salish Territory in Victoria, British Columbia. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North […]

Make Affordable Housing A Priority!

Vancouver City Hall 453 West 12th, Vancouver, Canada

Make affordable housing a priority, rather than a mere election item! Join us in a rallying to demand the City of Vancouver take immediate steps to regulate the housing market. We have an affordable housing crisis precipitated by an artificially-inflated real estate market: while 50% of us rent, only about 3% of our housing is […]

Students Against Pipelines – One Day General Strike Festival

Robson Street at Beatty Street Vancouver, Canada

A rally, march, and festival in opposition to Kinder Morgan's pipeline expansion project. This is a call out for student unions/associations/groups to join us on this day instead of going to classes/work. There will be free meals, snacks, drinks, live musicians/DJ's, workshops, games, and grassroots student organising happening. Speakers List: -Audrey Siegl -Kanahus Manuel -Christine […]

Ulluilsc – A Voice for the Voiceless Camp – 2nd Supply Drive!

For those of you who have deja vu, we ran a short supply drive last month, and it went really well, but there still much more work to be done. So the Nettle's Guild and the Council are teaming up to do another one! Have you heard about Ulluilsc (pronounced oo-LOOSH), otherwise known as the […]

Coast Salish Peoples Day

Coast Salish Territory , Canada

More info as I figure things out & get the Salish community involved.... as to how this is going to look. :)

Spark: A Fireside Artist Talk feat. Bracken Hanuse Corlett

Native Education College 285 East 5th Avenue, Vancouver, Canada

grunt gallery presents Spark: Fireside Artist Talks in the Longhouse at the Native Education College held on (approximately) the 3rd Thursday of every month from 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm. This informal lunch-hour talk is hosted by a series of artists who push at the boundaries of the traditional and the contemporary. How do their […]

Socialism and LGBT Rights: A History of Fighting a Common Enemy

SFU Harbour Centre 515 West Hastings, Vancouver, Canada

Join us for this discussion on why socialism is the best ally for the LGBTQ rights movement. From the utopian vision of sexual freedom of early socialists in the 19th century to the current attacks by neoliberal governments on LGBTQ rights, this discussion will cover the important historic contributions of international activists such as Lucia […]

West Coast support for Standing Rock

West Coast of BC, Salish Territory , Canada

Supplies are being collected for the camps of Standing Rock Sioux nation! These camps are blockading pipeline paths in their territories. There are drop-off points in Vancouver, Victoria, and Nanaimo for donated gear. Pick up is possible if needed. We will be collecting items until October 10. TO DONATE send an email to to […]

Orange Shirt Day Celebration with IRSSS

2406 Nanaimo Street Vancouver, Canada

COME WALK WITH US IN VANCOUVER! We are gathering at the Lu'ma Native Housing Society office (2960 Nanaimo Street) and then at 10:00AM we are walking to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society office (2406 Nanaimo Street) to honour IRS survivors and the students who did not return home. A celebration will commence there afterwards […]

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