Power of Women: Our Reality in the DTES

1803 East 1st Ave (just east of Commercial Drive) Vancouver, Canada

Power of Women: Our Reality in the DTES Join the Power of Women Group - we are a group of women who live and access services and whose community is the DTES neighourhood - are coming together in an evening showcase of talks, poetry, skits and more to share real truths about our life in […]

The Anatomy of the Downtown Metrotown Plan

Burnaby Neighbourhood House 100-4460 Beresford, Canada

Earlier this year, in response to the demovictions crisis that is displacing more than 600 households, Burnaby City Council announced a new plan for the Metrotown neighbourhood: The “Downtown” Metrotown Plan. What promises does this plan hold for the existing majority renter community in Metrotown? Come to a public forum about Mayor Corrigan’s plan to […]

Unit 3 Left Coast Tour: The Ethereal Turn Up! Vancouver Show

Wise Hall & Lounge 1882 Adanac Street, Vancouver, Canada

Future Electronic duo lal is touring the West Coast and are trying to build on the QT/BIPOC and allied arts movement to make connections in Canada and over the border to create safer party, healing and art spaces for all of us. We are uniting with local QT/BIPOC artists to form the UNIT 3 LEFT […]

Pack The Court: Sentencing For B. Mtn Protests

Vancouver Provincial Courthouse 222 Main Street, Vancouver, Canada

The five day trial finished in May. The verdict came in on August 10th. Now, let's see the final outcome and whether or not prison time will be served.

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs-Dr. Homa Hoodfar to be free

2811 East 16th Avenue Vancouver, Canada

Homa Hoodfar, an Iranian-Canadian professor at Concordia University in Montreal, has been indicted in Iran on unknown charges, according to Iranian news agencies. Hoodfar, 65, was first arrested in March — shortly before she was to leave the country — by the counter-intelligence unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who searched her Tehran residence, and […]

Deeds, Not Words – Indigenous Day Of Action, Oct. 10

All around occupied Canada , Canada

Indigenous Day of Action October 10 Justin Trudeau, it is time for DEEDS, NOT WORDS, that respect Indigenous rights #DeedsNotWords First Nations in Canada are waking up to the reality that the Trudeau government has a big smiley face for a front man, but when it comes to business, nothing has changed. This government approved […]

Deeds, Not Words – National Day of Action Victoria

Centennial Square 1 Centennial Square, Victoria, BC, Canada

In response to a call-out from Indigenous People's National Day of Action and Idle No More please come celebrate life, water, and show solidarity with Indigenous People who are standing strong to protect the land and water. This is a day to honour all those who are giving so much to protect life and to […]

Experiencing Homelessness: Sex Work Storytellers

Vancouver Public Library Central Branch 350 W Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Learn about the intersection of gender, sex work and housing. As part of Homelessness Action Week, current and former sex workers will speak to the struggles in securing and maintaining housing. They will be joined by researchers from the University of B.C. outlining the housing crisis. In partnership with PACE Society (Providing Alternatives, Counselling and […]

Black Space: A Night of Community Healing

Gallery Gachet 88 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada

This event, along with the majority of the organizing done by the Black Lives Matter Vancouver Coalition, will be taking place on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory and homelands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Skxwú7mesh, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. We are very grateful to these people for the knowledge, kindness and indomitable spirit with which they […]

PACE Society Open House

PACE Society 148 West Hastings, Vancouver, Canada

Join us for the City of Vancouver - Local Government Homelessness Action Week by dropping by our open house 12-1pm to see our newly renovated space, which was made possible by funding from the Central City Foundation Check out our line-up of guest speakers from 1 pm - 3 pm, which include local researchers from […]

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