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Plants for Medicines, Teas, Tinctures and Dyes

July 30, 2016- 10:00 am - July 31, 2016- 3:00 pm

Herbalist, teacher and Indigenous Plant Diva Cease Wysse will be leading two workshops this summer and fall at Left Fields. Cease is an excellent teacher, as well as a highly experienced herbalist, running Raven and Hummingbird Tea Co. as well as teaching indigenous herbal medicine throughout her territory.

Cease will guide you through a walk in our surrounding area to gather medicinal herbs, teas and lichens. Just in our backyard, there is a mountain full of indegineous plants. We will forage and learn the health benefits and pratical uses of what we find.

Knowledge transfer on Indigenous and other local herbs and plants will be shared with participants in a walk and a sharing circle at Crannóg Ales/Left Fields farm and nearby trails, while we learn how to make teas, prepare tinctures and dry other ingredients for our wool dying workshop in September.

Cost is $40/person for the first workshop.
Contact: Dave at Left Fields 250-549-0276 or dcolombe@hotmail.com

Participants, please bring:
1 Bottle of Organic Apple Cider vinegar
small Canning jars
Paper Towels
Collecting Bags (paper or cloth)
Snacks / Lunch
Water Bottle
Good Walking Shoes


July 30, 2016- 10:00 am
July 31, 2016- 3:00 pm


Left Fields
706 Elson Road
Sorrento, Canada


Left Fields
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