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Oppose the 105 Keefer Open House!

January 10, 2017- 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us and voice your opposition at the City of Vancouver’s Open House for the market development condo proposed at 105 Keefer. Because of the recent onslaught of gentrification and displacement in Chinatown, our group rejects the current rezoning application put forward by Beedie Living (http://rezoning.vancouver.ca/applications/105keefer/index.htm).

Our demands are:
1) No market housing at this site
2) For all 3 levels of government to acquire the 105 Keefer St. site (https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/protect-the-heart-of-vancouver-s-chinatown)
3) 100% social housing at shelter rate or 30% of the OAS income
4) An intergenerational, multi use community space, with an emphasis on seniors.

We will also be attending the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee meeting on Thursday January 12, at 5:30pm in Board Room of the Chinese Cultural Centre at 50 East Pender St, Vancouver, as they review this application to pressure them to not support this application. The Urban Design Panel will review this application on Wednesday January 11, at 4:00pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 1st Floor, City Hall, 453 West 12th Ave.)

This site is in the heart of Chinatown by the memorial remembering the sacrifices of Chinese-Canadian workers and soldiers, and every unit for market housing further displaces the low income community. We’ve seen how damaging the Historic Area Heights Review (HAHR, passed in 2011) has ushered in a new era of unaffordable high rises.

Please sign and share our petition and stop the Yaletownification of Chinatown! https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/protect-the-heart-of-vancouver-s-chinatown


January 10, 2017
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver
555 Columbia Street
Vancouver, Canada


Chinatown Concern Group

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