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Demovict the Metrotown Plan! Save 3000 homes!

November 12, 2016- 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

At the end of November, Burnaby Council will vote on the future of every resident of low-rise apartments in the Metrotown area. If Council passes the proposed Metrotown Plan update, they will “up-zone” every rental apartment between Boundary and Royal Oak, and Kingsway and Imperial for condo towers that will not be affordable for the current residents.

The Metrotown Plan will immediately impact the approximately six thousand people living in buildings inside its zone, and then it will affect every renter in the lower mainland as we lose 3,000 purpose-built rental apartments from our already strained, near-zero vacancy rate rental stock.

Mayor Corrigan’s council has ignored and denied the demovicting effectsof their rezoning policies so far, so we know it will take pressure to stop the plan. It is not too late to stop the Metrotown Plan – join those facing eviction to save their three thousand homes! Together we march to demand:

Demovict the plan; Save 3000 homes! Burnaby Council must reject the “Downtown” Metrotown Plan and start from scratch with participation of the affected community to develop a “regional growth plan” that doesn’t displace established residents. Lower mainland renters can’t handle the loss of three thousand apartment units.

Placement before displacement! Hundreds of renters are already scheduled to be evicted through rezonings permitted under Burnaby’s old Metrotown plan and approved by City Council, and they report that Burnaby’s existing tenant relocation supports are inadequate. We call on Burnaby council to ensure every renter is placed in new housing they can afford before they are displaced from their existing homes.

Organized by the Stop Demovictions Burnaby Campaign
Twitter: @stopdisplacemnt
Facebook: Against Displacement


November 12, 2016
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Metrotown Skytrain Station
Burnaby, Canada


Alliance Against Displacement
View Organizer Website

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