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Climate Convergence Meeting

June 29, 2016- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Climate Convergence is a coming together of the broader climate action movement in Vancouver to share information, network, organize and build a stronger, united movement to stop climate change.  All organizations and individuals working to stop climate change are invited to attend. 

On the Agenda:

Stopping Kinder Morgan’s Transmountain Pipeline Expansion – Next Steps
Update and Discussion
Speakers include:

Karl Perrin – BROKE-Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion
Katie Harrison – Force of Nature

National Climate Plan vs. People’s Climate Plan
How should the movement respond to Trudeau’s “consultation” process?
Update and Discussion on Town Hall meetings

Speaker: TBA, Lead Now

Next Steps for Climate Convergence – an update from the new Welcoming Committee

Open Mic – a chance for local organizations and individuals involved in the climate justice movement to give a brief update or announce current or upcoming actions and events that they or their organizations are involved in.


June 29, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
1803 East 1st Ave
Vancouver, Canada


People’s Climate Convergence
View Organizer Website

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