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行動 Action: 制止Beedie在105! Stop Beedie at 105!
June 1, 2016- 2:45 pm - 5:00 pm

#制止Beedie在105 行動: Beedie Living 發展商位於奇化街105號的開發項目申請不夠好!
#StopBeedieAt105 ACTION: Beedie Living’s development proposal for 105 Keefer is not good enough!
時間:星期三 2016年6月1日,下午2:45
地點:”社區大會會議室“, 溫哥華市政廳 (西12街453號,夾甘比街Cambie St.)
When: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 2:45 pm
Where: Town Hall Meeting Room, Vancouver City Hall
在過去的星期, 加拿大國家信託登出他們第12屆所準備的十大地方受威脅
This past week, the National Trust for Canada released its 12th annual Top 10 Endangered Places list, with Vancouver’s Chinatown being one these sites. Additionally, Heritage Vancouver recently listed Chinatown as #3 on its Top 10 Watch List of endangered sites in the city that is being threatened by relentless development. This rezoning application will only contribute and exacerbate this crisis.
齊來 #團結為唐人街 及與唐人街關注組一齊在星期三 6月1日在溫市市政廳表達我們對Beedie 發展商最新土地用途更改申請的關注。市府委員會,城市規
Let’s #unite4chinatown and join the Chinatown Concern Group on Wednesday, June 1 at Vancouver City Hall as we demonstrate our concerns regarding Beedie’s most recent rezoning application. The Urban Design Panel will be meeting to discuss the revised proposal of 105 Keefer Street development. We intend to sit in on the meeting and put pressure on the UDP as it evaluates the application.
Called by some as the heart of Chinatown, the 105 Keefer site must be developed appropriately for the community. The 25 social housing units for seniors in the proposed development at 105 Keefer is simply not good enough for such an important site. Alternatively, we want to see 100% social housing units that are truly affordable to the community developed at that site.
齊來反應我們對這土地用途更改申請的反對! Beedie發展商的申請根本就不夠好,該幅地可以有為
Join us in making a stand in opposition to this rezoning application! Beedie’s application is simply #notgoodenough and the site can be developed in a much better way for the community.
*齊來,下午2:45到達 溫哥華市政廳 (西12街453號,夾甘比街Cambie St.)
*Join us at Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) at 2:45!
唐人街關注組會先在加麗基社區中心(“緬街圖書館”, 緬街401號)一樓下午2:00集合,然後一起搭公共交
The Chinatown Concern Group will be gathering in advance on the 1st floor of Carnegie Community Centre (401 Main St.) at 2 pm and then transiting together to City Hall.
*Volunteers are needed to help interpret (Cantonese, Mandarin) for Chinese seniors of the Chinatown Concern Group! Please contact chinatownconcerngroup@gmai