Karen Juanita Lane is a long-time activist and resident of the DTES who reached out to Red Braid in March to ask for help organizing a squat. Karen's leadership and initiative were central to making the Stewart Squat happen. On a sunny afternoon a few days before the squat, we sat down to talk…
Browsing Category
Against the 300-year-old land grab: Kanien’kehá:ka hunger strike against…
On October 11th, a member of the Kanien'kehá:ka nation began a hunger strike against the ongoing “land grab” of…
Is “revitalizing” Hogan’s Alley Black racial justice? Tensions between real estate…
Guerrilla gardening art installation by Lauren Marsden entitled Hogan’s Alley Welcomes You, 2007
Lama Mugabo is…
Remembering Harold Lavender, founding editor of the Downtown East and Volcano…
Harold was committed to making radical politics real: they believed radical left and anti-colonial ideas are the…
In memory of Harold Lavender
The last time I spoke with Harold was a couple of weeks ago before they went into the hospital. They mentioned that…
“To go back home”: An interview with migrant activists in Hong Kong
Over 12 million Filipinos live and work abroad, approximately 11.6% of the total population of the Philippines…
From Apartment Renoviction to Anita Place Tent City
I met Libby when I knocked on her door in an apartment building up the street from Anita Place Tent City.
Homelessness and the Overdose Crisis are Designed this Way
Dwayne always tells me that he didn’t like me when he first met me. He says he couldn’t figure out what my angle…
“Pigs are not our friends”
Joe was one of the first people to move into Anita Place. He is a builder.
What’s the use in staying in housing if I can’t have the person I love there?
Mama Bear was a founder of Maple Ridge’s last tent city across the bypass from Anita Place on Cliff Avenue, which…