The truth about Surrey homelessness one year after the clearing of the 135A Strip is that homeless people and their allies have nothing to celebrate
One year has passed since police, city workers, and social workers cleared nearly 100 tents off the long standing 135A Street “Surrey Strip.” On…
Browsing Category
Sovereign Forever, Never Surrender! Vancouver rally continues the long legacy of…
On Monday May 27th, a “Rally 4 Indigenous Rights” event was organized outside the Vancouver Art Gallery (VAG) on…
Fear of a Tent City: The City of Coquitlam ordered the RCMP to break up ‘We Exist’…
On June 13th, Tri-Cities homeless activists and supporters launched the ‘We Exist’ tent city to create a space to…
Infiltrating the imaginations of children at RCMP Surrey’s “Police Week” 2019
On Saturday May 11th, the RCMP held an open house at their Surrey headquarters to launch “police week,” an annual…
Is “revitalizing” Hogan’s Alley Black racial justice? Tensions between real estate…
Guerrilla gardening art installation by Lauren Marsden entitled Hogan’s Alley Welcomes You, 2007
Lama Mugabo is…
Don’t kid yourself, this isn’t just a homeless camp: The lifesaving need and…
On Saturday, February 23rd, Anita Place tent city held a press conference as the City of Maple Ridge sent over…
The Volcano’s top 10 of 2018
The Volcano published over 100 articles last year, which isn’t bad considering we only started up again in April…
Justice for Soleiman and all people killed in Canadian jails
Soleiman Faqiri was murdered. Hands and feet bound, a hood over his face, he was beaten to death in a correctional…
Editorial: Provincial party politics and the invasion of Wet’suwet’en: The BC…
The day before RCMP forces raided the Gitdumt’en checkpoint on behalf of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline company, an…
The Gidumt’en raid, colonial enforcement, and next steps defending Wet’suwet’en…
This article was originally published here, The Media Co-op, January 23, 2019
Ten years ago, the Unist'ot'en,…