Sid Chow Tan

Articles by Sid Chow Tan

sid_2_by-kathy-copyResponding to the government apology for historic wrongs against Chinese British Columbians

I acknowledge and thank the Coast Salish First Nations. Minister Teresa Wat, Elders, dignitaries, brothers, sisters and friends. The power of an apology is with the receiver. My name is Sid Chow Tan. Proudly Canadian and a forty year resident of BC, I liken my being in Saltwater City Vancouver as winning life’s lottery. The BC Government’s efforts to address its racist past is welcomed. With more effort, the BC Government can bring a provincial closure to the Chinese head-tax and exclusion file. Imagine an inclusive, just and honourable redress. (…)

Art by Karen Ward

Letter to the Editor of The Province about Pidgin Picket

Dear Editor. Your editorial “perpetuates misery” as you say, much more than the protesters at Pidgin restaurant. A fine dictum of journalism is to follow the money trail. Here it points to the enormous profits for developers and real estate speculators who are catered to by Vision Vancouver and the Non-Partisan Association. In all their years of civic government, why has a social impact study never been done about the gentrification and displacement of low-income people and their needs, assets and tenure in the Downtown Eastside? (…)


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