Sherry Chen

Articles by Sherry Chen

P9191735Housing Insecurity and Uncertainty is the New Normal

My husband and I knew about the eviction since January of last year but in order to get rent compensation for the demolition, we had to stay until the eviction notice came into effect. I started to look for new housing last year and I kept looking until December, but I had trouble finding anything affordable. Over that time I saw the rent increase a lot. For a two-bedroom in Metrotown, it was about $1,350, and there were very few available in Metrotown. Then the developer said we could move to another apartment block on the same street. But this apartment (which is owned by the same developer evicting me and demolishing my apartment) will also be demolished within the next one or two years. So my family will face another eviction again very soon. Maybe in another year we will receive another eviction notice. We feel like there is no secure place to live. (…)

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