Kym Hines

Articles by Kym Hines

MCNAUGHT - gain comic0001 copyRe: Guaranteed Annual Income -The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I am so annoyed about the article in general and I felt patronized when I read the position that Sarah Sheridan and Jean Swanson take on a Livable4All Income they call the “Guaranteed Annual Income.” I was also taken aback by the obvious ignorant cartoon stating a Kapitalist idea that MOST Livable4All Income supporters do not adhere to and are actually against: In the cartoon the scorpion asks the frog “what do you think of the GAI? More Money For All?” (…)

shakedownstaptsThe Challenge Is Whether To Squat Or Deal

Micro Housing was brought to L’kwungen Territory as a result of Bobby Arbess approaching me with the idea as a member of the Committee To End Homelessness Victoria (CTEHV). We at the CTEHV spoke about the idea of bringing Mark Lakeman who helped design and build OpportUnity Village and Andrew Heben who wrote a book “Tent City Urbanism” to Victoria. Those of us with lived experience of homelessness and most homeless people I spoke to on streets said: “Bring it on!” I added, “It’s us who has to do that, this is not charity, this is about community working together to reclaim what is ours, home and land.” (…)

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