King-Mong Chan

Articles by King-Mong Chan

photo_color2The Chinatown Shockwave

Redeveloped in 2009, anti-poverty activists have described the Woodward’s project as creating a ripple effect of gentrification throughout the Downtown Eastside. This redevelopment project at Abbott St. and West Hastings St. brought in 536 condos and despite including 125 welfare-rate units for singles and 75 social housing units for families, the ripple effect led to various negative consequences for the existing community. Contributing to the gentrification of the area, the Woodward’s project led to a change in retail character, as low-cost retail was pushed out, and at least 404 low-income units in privately owned single room occupancy hotels within an one-block radius were lost because of rent increases. However, compared to what happened at Woodward’s, the situation in Chinatown is even more grim. (…)

chau-luen-copy_betterVictory at Chau Leun Tower!

Victory! With the support and work of DJ Larkin from Pivot Legal Society and MPA advocate Stephanie Smith, the Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) dismissed the Chau Luen Society’s application for rent increases – above 40% – at Chau Luen Tower (at Keefer and Gore)! (…)


勝利!因DJ Larkin (樞軸法律協會/ Pivot Legal Society) 和另一位倡權人士的支持
及工作,住宅租務處會 (Residential Tenancy Branch;RTB)撤銷業主(昭倫公所)向
RTB 申請向奇化街325 號的昭倫大廈加租,加租超過40%!(…)

Ming Sun, 439 Powell St.

Gentrification and the DTES Chinese Community

Not much is known about how gentrification is impacting the Downtown Eastside (DTES) Chinese community. There is still much that I have yet to learn but I hope to bring out what I have observed so far. Many housing activists are already connecting gentrification to lessening the chance of building the social housing we need, as well as the displacement of low-income residents (regardless of ethnicity) through renovictions and other means. (…)



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