Brandon Gabriel

Articles by Brandon Gabriel

Justine TrudeauPrime Minister Trudeau and Reconciliation – The New Tokenism Is Still The Same As The Old Tokenism

I have been banging my head against the wall over and over again. I am speaking figuratively of course. I keep telling people across a broad spectrum – politicians, educators, social justice warriors, raging grammas, new age hippies, bankers, religious fundamentalists, athletes, rednecks, students of all ages, fellow creatives, and so on and so on – that the newly minted Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, cannot be trusted to keep promises of a “new relationship” with Indigenous peoples. (…)

brandon-gabriel-and-kwantlen-chief-marilyn-gabriel-april-11th-2015-copyKwantlen – Pipelines and Sovereignty

My name is Brandon Gabriel. My education was in Cultural Anthropology and Visual Arts. I studied at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and Emily Carr University of Art and Design (BFA 2006). I have worked on many community art, cultural, historical, administrative, and business projects in a number of different capacities with a multitude of organizations since that time. Currently I am focusing all of my energies on tackling the oil pipeline issues currently at our doorstep in unceded Kwantlen First Nation territories. (…)


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