July 22-24, 2016
46770 Bailey Road, Chilliwack, BC
Competition Pow wow; Host Drum: Picked each session; MC’s Gerald SittingEagle Siksika, Alberta, Keith Colston Baltimore, MD; Arena Director Gary Abbott; Grand Entry Fri 7:00pm, Sat 1:00pm/7:00pm, Sun 1:00pm. For more information visit the Facebook event page.
July 9, 2016 – 9am
just south of Ft. Saint John on the Peace River, BC
Join us to celebrate protection of the integrity of the Peace River Valley at this unique event. Bring your canoes, kayaks or rafts and participate in a leisurely paddle down a portion of the incredibly scenic Peace River Valley, presently under threat by the unnecessary Site C dam. For more info visit the Facebook page.
July 8-10, 2016
100 Capilano Road, West Vancouver
Located at Capilano Reserve Park. MC: Francis James; AD: Gary Abbott; Host Drum: 379; Grand Entry Friday 7pm, Saturday 1pm and 7pm, Sunday 1pm; Aboriginal Arts & Crafts; Salmon BBQ; Admission $5.00 per person, kids under 5 yrs and Pensioners FREE. For more info visit the Facebook page.
Saturday, June 4, 2016 – 2pm
Library Square, corner of Robson and Homer, Vancouver
Tell Trudeau – No tanks! The Canadian government plans on selling $15B worth of armoured vehicles and weapons to Saudi Arabia. In addition to torturing and executing their own people, the Saudi government used these vehicles in 2011 to put down the democracy movement in neighbouring Bahrain. Organized by Stopwar.ca. Click here for more information.
Friday, May 27, 2016 – 9am
River Rock Casino Resort, Richmond, BC

Shut Down Imperial Metals Protest
Imperial Metals is a mining company that is responsible for the biggest mining disaster in so called British Columbia at their Mt Polley mine, to date they still have not cleaned up their toxic tailings spill and they have resumed operations. Indigenous Land Defenders: Ancestral Pride, Secwepemc Womens Warrior Society, and our Allies No One Is Illegal and others to be added ask that you stand with us as we confront Imperial Metals Mining Corp and their share holders at their Annual General Meeting. For more information, visit the Facebook page.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 – 5:30pm
Sumas First Nation, 2788 Sumas Mtn Road, Abottsford,BC
We are in the final year of review of Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion. The widely discredited NEB process came to an end on May 19 when the panel made its recommendation to the Trudeau cabinet to approve the pipeline, with conditions. This forum will consider the First Nations perspective and will also examine the economic case for “getting our resources to tidewater.” What are the effects on the climate and the what are the alternatives? Special Guests include: Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, UBCIC; Carleen Thomas, Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust Initiative; Ben West, TankerFree BC. For more information see the Facebook page.
May 16 – June 3, 2016
near Houston, BC
Spring permaculture and building camp, to work on the healing centre, root cellar, pit house, and permaculture garden. To donate funds to help construct the healing centre, go here.
Saturday, May 21, 2016 – 11-2pm
58 W. Hastings, Vancouver
Food, Music, Speeches, Painting!
Groups representing or serving over 9,000 people have endorsed Our Homes Can’t Wait campaign, including Carnegie Community Centre Association, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction, First United Church, DURC, Pivot, DTES Women’s Centre, DTES Neighbourhood House, Chinatown Action Group & Aboriginal Front Door. Facebook event page here.
Monday, May 16, 2106
Burnaby, BC
Throughout February, volunteers with the Stop Demovictions Burnaby Campaign conducted a social impact survey on the square block at Dunblane and Imperial just east of Metrotown where over two hundred apartment units have been or will be soon demolished. Volunteers went door knocking and filling surveys about the impact of evictions and demolitions on a particularly hard-hit group of Metrotown residents. Click here to download the report.