Alliance Against Displacement

Articles by Alliance Against Displacement

*also see articles by the Social Housing Alliance

A post-viaduct Hogan’s Alley will redress racist history or it will continue displacement

We are writing regarding the impending removal of the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts and the importance of appropriately honouring and making restitution to the Black community which was displaced by the City by building those viaducts. (…)

15669339090_16f3fa2997_kAAD response to Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver Nov 19, 2016 Stop Kinder Morgan rally

Alliance Against Displacement sent the following letter to Climate Convergence organizers on November 24, 2016. (…)

nodaplsacredstonecampAgainst the Dakota Access Pipeline from the Concrete Guts of the Real Estate Snake: Alliance Against Displacement Standing Rock Solidarity Statement

Over the past few weeks, as Alliance Against Displacement worked on this collective statement in solidarity with the camps and struggle at #NODAPL, the camps came under violent, militarized assault by police. (…)

ThorntonParktentcitydisplacementCriminalization of homelessness continues as Thornton Park tent city forcibly displaced by police on November 25, 2016

Around 9:30 am on the morning of November 25, 2016, police arrested seven people at the new Thornton Park tent city beside the Pacific Central Skytrain; one homeless resident and six supporters. (…)

march-photoReport back: Burnaby Metrotown community’s mass mobilization against demovictions on November 12, 2016

On November 12, 2016, Metrotown residents rallied and marched with the Stop Demovictions Burnaby campaign against the proposed redevelopment and rezoning plans of the Metrotown neighbourhood. (…)

2016_fall_volcano_insert_final_page_8Three Pledges of Struggle: By Together Against Displacement & Dispossession Summit

Our Together Against Displacement and Dispossession summit packed three major accomplishments into one weekend, which together will strengthen the struggles of homeless and evicted people. (…)

2016_fall_volcano_insert_final_page_1We Are All Persons and We Belong! Homes for All! Decolonization Not Criminalization!

This supplement to the Fall 2016 Volcano newspaper collects discussions and lessons from the “Together Against Displacement and Dispossession” summit held by the Alliance Against Displacement on June 11-12, 2016. (…)

screen-shot-2016-09-17-at-11-09-03-amWhy Alliance Against Displacement will not support the HALT rally against foreign investment in housing

On Saturday, September 17th, HALT (Housing Action by Local Taxpayers) is organizing a “Housing Rally to Halt the Madness.”  (…)

Homeless graphicOpen Statement to Canada’s Federal Housing Consultation

Since coming into office nearly a year ago, the Trudeau Liberals have done two things to address Canada’s housing and homelessness crisis (…)

BurnabyDemovictionsPaint-in against Demovictions on mass eviction-day in Metrotown

Thursday, June 30th is the eviction day for the tenants of three rental apartment buildings on Imperial Street, Metrotown. (…)

DSC_8955How do we work together to stop displacement when it seems like everything is against us?

Alliance Against Displacement (AAD) (originally Social Housing Coalition/Alliance) formed in the lead-up to the provincial election of 2013 to raise the issue of the need for social housing in BC and oppose the imminent threat to social housing programs. (…)

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