Healing, a poem


Throughout the moments, the moments of truth.
Staying positive, happy, and strong.
Curiosity for whats next.
Having my life getting on track.
Chilling here with my big fat cat.
Eight and half years has now past.
Since I first saw him, under that barn.
Minus twenty in the cold, little cries heard in the distance.
Looking around with my two sisters in the icy winter-land.
An old barn was coming our way. As we closed in, then, JUST!
Four, four babies yelping for our help.
Freezing away their bones in pain.
The three of us picked them up, brought them back to safety.
All those years now has past.
All of us grown up.
Crazy to think that was so long ago. Here I am back under their roof.

Healing myself, stealing the sun.
Really making sure that I’m okay.
Cause I’m healing and here to stay.

Looking at the sky on a rainy day, all cloudy and shit but that’s okay.
Still smiling, knowing tomorrow is another day.
Being clean is a good thing, and I’m shining in an armor suit of balance.

Healing myself, stealing the sun.
Really making sure that I’m okay.
Cause I’m healing, for the long run.

I am so thankful for the family and support.
With out them I’d sure be lost,
Cause I’m healing and that’s okay.

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