Everyone Is An Addict!

Everyone has an addiction
of some kind
Not wanting to admit it
Only playing dear or blind
There’s drinking eating shopping
smoking and money too
There’s gambling gaming sex religion
There’s coffee and weed
To which most people do
Some are addicted to street dope
Some to prescription drugs you see
But they would never admit it
to you or me
As humans we are creatures of habit
So when we want what we want
We find the way to go out and grab it
We all have addictions
No matter what they may be
drugs or candy
music or tv
It all becomes our personal drug
to which we feed
We all point fingers at one another in
Reality is we point the blame to
deflect our own shame
A drug is a drug
No matter what it may be
We use it to feel better
To cope
And to feel free
No one is beneath anyone
To what i can see
All equal as humans
We just abuse differently
Take a look at yourself
And what do you see?
What is your habit?
Your drug?
Your crutch?
What helps you to feel free?
Some like the thrill of danger
Some like pain
Seriously look
And ask yourself
The next time you go to put someone
What do i have to gain?
When we point the finer
Its understanding and heart to which
we lack