Paint-in against Demovictions on mass eviction-day in Metrotown
What: Painting, music and speeches
When: 4-6pm, Thursday, June 30th
Where: 6750 Dunblane, north east corner of Dunblane/Imperial intersection in Metrotown, Burnaby
Thursday, June 30th is the eviction day for the tenants of three rental apartment buildings on Imperial Street, Metrotown. These buildings, containing 47 affordable rental units, are the latest to face demolition in the Metrotown area. The over 80 tenants who will be displaced on June 30th add to the hundreds of low-income renters already displaced through demoviction in Metrotown.
On the two Dunblane blocks, just north of Imperial Street where these building are located, approximately 300 residents have already been demovicted, and altogether over 700 renters will have been displaced from these two blocks by 2017 if all planned rezoning applications are approved. Burnaby City Council has not reached out to any of the tenants facing displacement and is not planning to build any social housing to replace the units lost. Unless City Hall changes the demoviction policies it seems intent to impose on all renters in Metrotown, then the housing and displacement crisis facing these Dunblane residents today will eventually affect thousands of Burnaby renters tomorrow.
Join us on Thursday, June 30th for a community paint-in, music, and speeches in resistance to the mass demovictions underway in Metrotown. We are gathering on June 30th because it is eviction-day for residents of three buildings on Imperial and Marlborough in Metrotown. They are all being pushed out of their homes, many to uncertain futures, for Amacon Development Corporation’s profits with a new condo project.
At the “paint-in” community members and anti-demoviction activists will paint one of the demovicted buildings (which is awaiting demolition for a high-rise) with messages in support of the people being displaced and calling for an end to Burnaby’s mass demoviction and displacement policies. The paint-in will be a family friendly event, with child-friendly paints available.
We acknowledge that this action takes place on the unceded territories of the Tsleil-Waututh, Qayqayt, and Kwikwetlem nations.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/135700300186029/
Read the Dunblane Demoviction Report, here.
Email organize@stopdisplacement.ca for questions or media inquiries.