New DNC Board Elected

dncOn December 8th 2012, the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council held elections for a new board for the upcoming year of organizing and actions. Board positions are divided according to housing type, in rough proportion to the housing types in the DTES, with a total of seventeen elected board seats. This includes five seats each for representatives living in social housing (government subsidized including co-ops and supportive housing) and SRO hotels, three seats for representatives living in market housing and four seats for those living outside, in a shelter or in assisted living.

The 2013 board is a mix of returning board members and new members, including DJ Joe, Jacek Lorek, Richard Cunningham, Roland Clarke, Tracy Morrison, Garvin Snider, Herb Varley, Kelvin Bee, Rocky Roberts, Patrick Flegel, Rob Morgan, James Oickle, Shannon Bundock and Tami Starlight. The board is currently working on appointing an additional four members to the at-large positions to ensure the board is balanced in terms of race, gender, age, sexuality, interest and committee representation.


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